GLOBAL INDIAN TV – Connecting Indians globally

GLOBAL INDIAN TV – Connecting Indians globally

On May 18, 2024, will forever be remembered as the inauguration day of the Global Indian TV channel by His Worship Cr Jon Raven, Mayor of Logan City. Pictured here, during the ribbon cutting ceremony with Mayor Jon Raven are the Directors of the Deo Group of Companies led by the Chairman Mr. Jitendra Deo, Mrs. Shanjeshni Deo, sons Ravneel Deo and Soneel Deo with the convenor of the inauguration ceremony, Mr. Lewis Lee OAM.
A major feature of your Global Indian TV will be well selected Hindi Movies sourced not only from Bollywood productions but from other Indian Diaspora production houses globally.
Nothing mythical but mere coincidence that historically on May 18, 1912, the first Hindi film “Shree Pundalik” was released at the Coronation Cinematograph, Girgaum, Mumbai. Now Indian movies number in the hundreds and thousands. Affected by the pandemic the numbers dropped to 564 releases in 2020 and now at 1,796 new releases in 2023!
You heard of the “Smiling Buddha”? Well, glad you asked. On May 18, 1974, under Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, India detonated its first atomic bomb named the Smiling Buddha. Keep reading your Brisbane Indian Times so you will not miss some nuggets of news like this.

GLOBAL INDIAN TV – Connecting Indians globally a
But please do remember May 18, 2024, as the day your Global Indian TV was majestically inaugurated with fanfare witnessed by dignitaries present; the Federal Senator Paul Scarr, Queensland State Parliamentarian MP James Martin, Cr Tim Frazer and other distinguished guests and a global audience of the Global Indian TV channel.
The orbiting globe of the Global Indian TV logo underpins the very essence of the global reach of your Television Channel, streaming far and wide into our homes.
Let us pause and admire this fascinating ability to view Television of high-definition image now available on a device in the palm of your hand. Admirable indeed, the journey of the invention of Television went through many hands from every corner of the globe over the century since 1884, around the time our Girmit forebears were hoodwinked into taking the journey away from motherland India.
The arrival of Television around the second Industrial revolution era profoundly altered the world as media consumers habit undergoes a significant shift.
It amazes us how the pioneer inventors discovered in amazement the basic four key technologies that had to be developed before any form of television could become a possibility. A device to change light into an electric current, change the electric current back into light, a scanning device to break the image up into small elements, and an electronic amplifier to increase weak signals to a usable level.
From these basic and very important discoveries stemmed the development of ideas towards a successful television system.
The Television journey has taken us from Mechanical television, sometimes known as mechanical scan television (CRT), to Electronic Television that uses electronic signals to produce images on a video screen and transmits images and sounds by means of radio waves, microwaves, or infrared rays.
The Digital era heralds in the Digital television using digital technology and receiving television signals via terrestrial, satellite, or cable networks.
In comes the new millennium with Smart television, integrated Internet, and interactive Web features, such as apps, streaming media, and Web browsing. Smart TVs allow users to stream content from the Internet and the use of social networking services.
Enjoying Global Indian TV on a handheld device beaming wirelessly from a mega server would have been the envy of the first BBC broadcast during the Coronation of King George VI in May 1937. How is this for starters, when eight miles of television cable weighing several tons was laid around central London, providing the link for live coverage of the procession was recognized as a record with over 10,000 in TV audience watching the coronation.
In May last year, in the late King George VI grandson King Charles III coronation an average of 18.8 million people tuned in to watch in the UK. That is not yet considering the syndicated recipient TV stations in countries like Australia, NZ, Canada, US etc.
Thank you, to the inventors and pioneers of this gift to humanity.
Now for you, the reader, to enjoy, not through cumbersome tons of cable to reach you, but easily accessible by simply click on the Global Indian TV App on Google drive or App Store.
Stay connected with your Global Indian TV, 24/7. We sure enjoy your company, as you will enjoy ours.

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