Dear reader, it is our joy to bring you the word of God. When we give something away or when someone takes what belongs to you, then it is possible to fall into a trap that you will be in lack. But in the book of proverbs, it says, “It is possible to give away and have more.” And if someone does not return what is yours, then instead of living frustrated, hurt, and angry, turn your thoughts around and say, “They did not take it from me, but I gave it away.”
This shows your trust is not in people who have taken from you but in God, who can add to you. The scriptures say, “God will restore everything you have lost.” This is a new day, a new season for you. This is the year when God will restore what has been taken from you. On your part, you must come to a place of peace with yourself. That means if something rightly belongs to you and is in the possession of someone else, and you know that it is not coming back to you, then release it, let it go, and say to yourself, “They didn’t take from me; I gave it away.” This will free you from any unnecessary frustration, worry, and pain.
In the Bible (Genesis 12 &13), God told Abraham to leave his country so He could give him a new nation and make him great, and all the families on earth would be blessed through him. Abraham obeyed God and left with Sarai, his wife, and his nephew Lot. Both Abraham and Lot had flocks, herds, and tents. Along the way, when their possessions became so great that they could no longer dwell together, thus Abraham said to Lot, “Please let there be no strife between you and me and let us separate. If you go left, I will go right, but if you go right, I will go left.” Lot looked at and saw Jordon’s plains and chose to go right. But Abraham remained with what was left.
Now, Abraham had the promise and had every right to choose what seemed best at the time. Yet he let Lot have the best part. We never read where Abraham felt upset with his nephew Lot’s choice. I can imagine Abraham saying to Lot, “You did not take the best part from me, but on the contrary, I gave it to you.”
Here are 3 things we can learn from Abraham and Lot.
1. God’s blessing on your life cannot be reduced by what someone has taken from you. After Lot left, God appeared to Abraham again, saying, “Lift your eyes and look east, west, north, and south. I give you and your descendants forever for all the land you see.” Like Abraham, life is full of unexpected events. Your journey to your destination is not always smooth sailing. Sometimes, you will have to give something away to keep the peace. But my encouragement to you is to keep on trusting God. He keeps the records, and His blessing over your life will come to you.
2. People may take it from your hand. But what belongs to you cannot be taken from the hand of God. Abraham remained blessed when Lot walked away with what looked like the best part of the deal. It was not from what was taken from Abraham but from what God had in store for him. Philippians 4v19 says, “My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Notice it doesn’t say according to the riches from people, but from God.
3. People do not hold your future; God does. Some people will only leave you if they can take something that belongs to you. God did not tell Abraham to take his nephew when he left his country. Along the way, there was strife between the herdsmen of Abraham and Lot. But when Lot left, after taking what seemed the best, God said to Abraham, “I give all these to you and your descendants.” It seemed like a tough time for Abraham. It didn’t seem fair, but it was the best way for Lot to move away from Abraham. By letting Lot have the best, Abraham received God’s best!
And all this is possible through a relationship with God through His Son Jesus. When you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Saviour, you receive God’s best for your life. My encouragement to you today is that if someone has what belongs to you and you know it is not coming back to you, you can move on from that place of pain by declaring, “They did not take it from me, but I gave it away!”
God bless you