1st March – Zero Discrimination Day The theme for this year is ‘We Stand Together’
The 1st March 2025 is the eleveth year that Zero Discrimination Day has been acknowledged. This day was first celebrated by UNAIDS to recognise and raise awareness for people living with HIV/AIDS. It has now evolved with the United Nations recognising it as a day to recognise and celebrate everyone’s rights regardless of our differences.
Every person has the right to live a full and productive life, free from stigma and discrimination and with dignity. This includes any person living with a blood borne virus such HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, or a person infected with a sexually transmissible infection.
Discrimination and stigma related to these health conditions are often due to fear, lack of knowledge and misunderstandings or misconceptions of how and why these conditions are transmitted.
In Queensland the highly trained team of the Love Health Program at the Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ) is proud to provide information, education and support for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds regarding these health conditions.
We encourage all people to ‘know their status’ and to get tested for these conditions to protect their health and wellbeing. We are pleased to be able to offer rapid finger prick testing to check for exposure to hepatitis C and for potential hepatitis B infection. This is performed confidentially, and the results are available within 30 minutes.
The butterfly is the symbol of Zero Discrimination Day, this symbolises positive transformation. Through increased knowledge and greater understanding, we can live more productive and healthy lives and stop discrimination.
For more information about our services and information about HIV, Hepatitis B and hepatitis C and sexually transmissible infections please visit our webpage www.eccq.com.au/bbv or contact us at: 3844 9166 or email health@eccq.com.au.
If you are living in Cairns, you can contact Damian Garozzo-Vaglio at Cairns Sexual Health Services by calling 4226 4760 or emailing damian.garozzo-vaglio@health.qld.gov.au.