Jesus said “I am The Way…”

Jesus said “I am The Way…”
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Ravi Vastrad

Key Verse: Jesus answered, “I am The Way and The Truth and The Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6 NLT.

Dear Reader, We are excited to bring you the good news to our world. Our theme is sim-ple and clear. It is to make God real and personal. So that with this Real Person, you can learn to know His nature and personally relate to Him.
God is not an object or an image or imagination of the human mind. God is a living and loving person. We find this amazing revelation in the pages of the Holy Bible.
Keep reading with an open heart and humble spirit. You will encounter your Creator today. You don’t need a thousand years for your Salvation (Mukti). You can receive your greatest miracle ‘Mukti’ today. This is the confidence you can have in Yeshua the Satguru.
If we believe life is a journey, we need to know the right ways to navigate safely. Not all roads lead to Rome as people said in the past. Suppose, when you need to go to meet your Father who is living in Cairns; and you live in Canberra, what way is you are going to choose to drive?
When you know you only have 3 days to reach your father, and there are no flights or trains to Cairns, you will begin to look for the right way. You will not waste a single moment of your 3 days to plan your path.
Friends, life is a very short journey, therefore don’t try all different ways to find the perfect way. But, listen to a God-crafted compass in your heart. This compass will point you to the true Heavenly Father, your Creator and your God. We as humans have one life and one opportunity to seek and find The True way to God. God has made His way abundantly clear. His way, truth and life are perfectly and completely demonstrated by Jesus Christ – He is The Satguru.
Listen to a clear and gentle call of Jesus inside your heart today. He said, “I am the Way.” He did not say I know a way or I am like one of the ways. He gives complete assurance and confidence to a last soul.
His purpose is to lead all humanity to Truth and Life. Therefore, ask your-self this question;
What is the Truth? How can you know for sure? Whom should I believe?
Truth is not a philosophy or an idea of human imagination or traditional practices. Let me tell you the Best Definition of Truth.
Truth is a Person. That Person is completely defined and perfectly ex-pressed through the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. Today, take time to ask yourself a simple and humble question; “I am truly travelling on the right way?”. And find your answer in the words of John 14:6, Jesus said, I am the way.
Is there a perfect way? How can one be that way?
The answer that is, Jesus Christ is the Perfect Way and right way to live a life filled with peace, love and joy. Hear the gentle voice of Jesus in your heart today;
He assures by saying, “For I hold you by your right hand— I, the Lord your God. And I say to you, ‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.” (Isaiah 41:13 NLT)
Therefore, we invite you to pray this with a sincere heart;
“Dear Father God, today I thank you for your word that has touched my heart. I repent for all my wrongs. I confess with my mouth ‘Jesus is Lord’ and I believe in my heart that Jesus died for my sins, God raised Jesus from the dead for my Mukti (Salvation). Now help me to know Jesus more and more so that I can grow in the knowledge of your grace and mercy. Teach me your ways so that I can be the person who will learn to honour you and learn to love each other. Amen.

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