Bhagavad Gita & Girmit Diwas – Gayatri Mandir, Boondall
By Dharmesh Prasad
Month of May has been an eventful month for Gayatri Mandir and its devotees. We were blessed and thankful to have Pujinye Jai Narain Shastriji who graced our Mandir from 16 May to 18 May to deliver public discourse in Bhagavad Gita
Shri Jai Narain Shastriji was born in Kurukshetra, he is a scholar in Sanskrit and currently resides in Auckland, New Zealand.
According to Shastriji Bhagavat Gita was compiled by Maharishi Ved Vyasji, Bhagavad Gita was a separate text, when he wrote Mahabharat Ved Vyasji embedded the Bhagavad Gita in it, and he set the scene of Mahabharat and Bhagavad Gita
Essentially Bhagavat Gita is a dialogue between Guru (Master) and Shishya(student), Shri Krishna Maharaji imparts divine message to Arjuna – a warrior.
The setting in which the Bhagavad Gita was spoken was the onset of the Mahabharat, a colossal war that was about to begin between two sets of cousins, the Kauravas and the Pandavas. On a deeper and profound level, the Kauravas embodied cruelty, injustice, vice, oppression, and irreligion. On the other hand, the Pandavas were saintly and virtuous—the epitomes of morality, sacrifice, devotion, and compassion. Most importantly, they were great devotees of the Supreme Lord Shree Krishna.
Shastriji said the central message of Bhagavad Gita is it teaches Brahma Vidya – science of God-realisation and practise of Yog – providing a clear and direct techniques to implement spiritual principles in daily life. The application of the spiritual principles of Bhagavad Gita in our daily lives is very important otherwise it loses the whole point of listening/reading Bhagavad Gita. As devotees we need to listen/Read Bhagavad Gita as today’s Arjun – same situation and circumstances we face today in our daily lives was present more than 5000 years ago.
“Dharam kshetra aur Kurukshetra hamara sharir me hai, jaab hirday me Daavi (Devine) sampati badthi hai taab sharir Dharam kshetra ban jata hai, jaab hirday me Asuri (Demonic) sampati badthi hai taab sharir Kurukshetra ban jaati hai”. Real Mahabarat is taking place in ourselves daily, Daavi bhavana aur Asuri bhavana ka beech prati din hamare hirday me yudh hota hai.
He further went on to expound Bhagavad Gita, chapter 2 Shloka 11 caught my attention,
śhrībhagavān uvācha
aśhochyān-anvaśhochas-tvaṁ prajñā-vādānśh cha bhāṣhase
gatāsūn-agatāsūnśh-cha nānuśhochanti paṇḍitāḥ
The Supreme Lord said: While you speak words of wisdom, you are mourning for the not worthy of grief. The wise lament neither for the living nor for the dead.
Shastriji beautifully explained the above shloka, though you may feel you are speaking words of wisdom, you are speaking and acting out of ignorance. Devotees who are wise—never lament, neither for the living nor for the dead.
He gave the devotees lots of inspiration and divine principles to live our lives according to Shastras, it provides the ancient wisdom and moral compass of life – understanding of the Absolute Truth and destroying the darkness of ignorance that has enveloped the soul since endless lifetimes.
On 25th May Hindu Society of Qld also celebrated Girmit Diwas at Gayatri Mandir in Boondall. History of Girmit has been well documented and all descendants of Girmit are aware of the injustices and atrocities perpetrated by the British on our people.
Girmit is an occasion of mixed feeling and emotions, should we celebrate or commiserate.
On one hand, the hardship and adversity afflicted by the British brings you to tears, today one cannot fathom the pain and suffering they have been through. On the other hand, it is a day of celebration as well, it is a celebration of tenacity, hard work, perseverance, determination and courage to fight the system and beat it in its own game.
They travelled thousands of miles in dangerous and treacherous condition to Fiji, with the strong faith and devotion they kept alive their culture and religion – which we are so grateful and thankful today. Seed of Gyan and bhakti were sowed in each of us which makes us what we are today.
Countless number of descendants of Girmit have become successful and prosperous, they have become great leaders in their professional fields and have migrated to settle abroad and are proudly flying the flags of the decedents of Gurmit.
It is also a day of reflection of how far we have come, and we need to carry on the legacy of hard work, great work ethics and inspire to become a better person in the face of adversity. Religion has played a major role in our lives which has become part of who we are and what is our identity.
The beacon of responsibility is with the current generation to continue the legacy and educate our young and future generations the stories of Girmit. It is also worthy to note that in a grand gesture Fijian Government has publicly apologised and declared national holiday – Girmit Day in recognition of the contributions our people have made in Fiji.
Girmit Diwas was celebrated with the theme of traditional Girmit outfit, Fiji Indian cuisine and display of artefacts. We were treated to folk songs bidesiya, birah and nagada drums. Senior Citizens were presented with certificates for they contribution to the society.
HSQ has decided to celebrate Girmit Diwas bigger and better next year or in conjunction with similar organisation with shared values, so watch the space!
Hindu Society of Queensland has completed CRM/ database project. Many devotees have moved residences and may have new contact details as such we are updating membership details like mobile phone numbers, email address etc. This would assist us to communicate better and update members on latest developments at the mandir. Please contact Secretary Mrs Nirmala Shandil on 0466 436 964 or Vice President/PRO Mrs Neelima Chand on 0405 409 156 or alternatively email us at Many Thanks for your support.
Upcoming Events
Somwar Shiva Pooja every Monday: 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Ramayan Recital every Tuesday: 7.00pm to 8.30pm
22nd June to 29th June – Sri Ram Katha – by Pundit Aneel Ved Sharan from Fiji
Sundarkand and Trayodashi is held every month at the mandir, for details and sponsorship please kindly visit our website and Facebook page. Regular updates will be sent to all devotees via Facebook and SMS.
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Phone: (07) 38653164
Address: 178 Lyndhurst Rd, Boondall QLD