Pastor Suresh Dass Joseph


Dear reader, it is with greater joy that we bring you the word of God. I want to talk to you today about rejoicing in your journey. We often think we will enjoy life when we get a promotion, get married, or buy a house. Our joy is always in the future when we have completed the journey. The destination and the trip to the destination are two different events. While the destination is when we arrive, the journey can be an entire of situations and circumstances, good and bad. Then there’s always some reason we can’t be happy. Something’s going on that’s causing us to be stressed and uptight. But the key is to find joy in the journey. You’re not there yet; you’re still waiting for things to improve and believing in the promise. In the meantime, you’re enjoying where you are while you’re on the way to where you’re going.
In the bible (Acts 16), we read about Paul and Silas on their missionary journey to Macedonia. On the way, a girl was delivered from the evil spirit of divination and fortune-telling. When they found out what had happened, the people who benefitted from her fortune-telling dragged Paul and Silas to the magistrates, where they were severely beaten and locked up in the prison in chains.
But at midnight, Paul and Silas were praying, singing, praising, and rejoicing to God while the prisoners listened to them.
Suddenly, there was a great earthquake, so the prison’s foundations were shaken. Immediately, all the doors were opened, and everyone’s chains were loosed. Upon witnessing all this, the prison jailer and his family believed in God and were baptized. Paul and Silas were set free to continue their journey into Macedonia soon after.
Here are 3 lessons we can learn from Paul and Silas as they rejoiced on their journey to their destiny.
1. You have the permission to be happy. Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. But I have come, that they may have and enjoy life and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). Paul and Silas remind us that Jesus didn’t come to save us and only give us joy in heaven. But that you may enjoy your journey while on Earth.
2. You can become so focused on the finish line that you can miss the day’s beauty. Paul and Silas could have complained about their treatments, grumbled about the food they had to eat, and made a fuss about their living conditions. Instead, they chose to be happy on their way to where God had called them to be. You’ll find joy in the journey if you have the proper perspective. “Not in my dream house yet, but Lord, I’m grateful for this apartment.” “Haven’t met the right person yet, but Lord, I’m grateful for being single.” “This place I’m working is not where I want to end up, but Lord, I’m grateful that I’m employed.” See, the enemy would love to deceive us into enduring life, not enjoying life. Having children, not enjoying them, being married but not enjoying it, having a house, job, and opportunity- but there are always some reasons we’re unhappy. We’ve got to get to that next thing, then we’ll enjoy life. Now, you must learn this principle: there is joy in your journey. There are things in your life right now that you can enjoy if you have the proper perspective.
3. If you’re going to find joy in the journey, you must look past all the wrongs and see the rights. Don’t take for granted the people God’s given you to love. They may not be perfect, but neither are you. Take to enjoy your family. Those children may be challenging, but soon, they will leave your nest egg. The people at work may get on your nerves sometimes but be happy that you have a job. Even when caught in traffic, you can choose to be happy. For Paul and Silas, the journey was full of ups and downs, unfortunate events, and difficult people, yet they knew that God was with them and they were in the perfect will of God. Thus, they continued their journey with great joy.
I believe as you take time to enjoy the journey, you will see more favour, turn things around, and build stronger and healthier relationships.

God bless you.

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