Urdu Forum celebrates 5 years of free Urdu language classes

Urdu Forum celebrates 5 years of free Urdu language classes Urdu Forum celebrates 5 years of free Urdu language classes Urdu Forum celebrates 5 years of free Urdu language classes Urdu Forum celebrates 5 years of free Urdu language classes

Urdu Forum is celebrating the 5th Anniversary of its Urdu Literacy Programme.
Urdu Forum, a not-for-profit incorporated association and a charity registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, was formed with the express purpose of promoting Urdu language & literature, with a special emphasis on education.

With over 650 million native and second language speakers in the world, Urdu ranks 10th among the most widely languages spoken in the world. According to the 2021 census, there are 111,873 Urdu speakers in Australia and ranks 14th out of more than 300 languages spoken at home here.

Our Urdu Language classes were in response to a persistent demand from parents whose school going children were finding it difficult to communicate in Urdu. The classes also benefit those who can speak Urdu but are unable to read or write. As such, our courses are tailored to suit both adults and children. Our team of dedicated teachers have volunteered their services to provide personalised mentoring in a relaxed and friendly environment.

From humble beginnings in 2019, we have grown exponentially to accommodate younger students in three sections, commensurate with their linguistic proficiency, and a separate class for mature students. More that 170 students have so far benefitted from the programme.

In recognition of our efforts, Urdu Forum was awarded the coveted SBS APNA Education and Empowerment Award in 2024. The year also saw the introduction of Information Technology and online classes in our teaching modules.

Urdu Forum is the exclusive source of free Urdu language classes in Queensland. The classes are held every Sunday from 11AM to 1PM at the Acacia Ridge Hall, 13 Coley Street, Acacia Ridge QLD 4110. Registrations are now open. To enrol or for more information, please contact Ghazal Basit on 0412 076 864 or Naveed Kureshi on 0404 513 153, or email us at: urduforumbrisbane@gmail.com

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