Welcoming Xavier Hernandez to the Brisbane Indian Times Family

Welcoming Xavier Hernandez to the Brisbane Indian Times Family a

Welcoming Xavier Hernandez to the Brisbane Indian Times Family cXavier Hernandez needs no formal introduction as he is a regular attendee, volunteer, supporter of the Indian community, Multicultural and broader community. He a tireless volunteer for the community and when his not volunteering for the community he loves to raise funds for important causes.
Xavier will be completing the 48Km Kokoda Track challenge this along with several other members of this Saint John Anglican College school cohort. Participants arrive on 13 July at the Gold Coast Hinterland within 16hrs approx.
Welcoming Xavier Hernandez to the Brisbane Indian Times Family bFrom an early age Xavier has seen the importance of giving back.
“I decided to participate in the 48Km walk which raises money for the Kokoda youth Foundation as I was lucky enough to meet and learn more about the recipients last year”
The Kokoda Youth Foundation is an Australian Charity that runs free youth programs for kinds in the local community, empowering disadvantaged, and disengaged youth with tools to realise their full potential.
I was able to raise just over $2000.00 and ranked in the top 2 last year thanks to the generosity of the community. Doubling his goal in a short period of time.
I encourage anyone who is able or willing to donate to visit my site at https://www.kokodachallenge.com/fundraisers/XavierDavis-Hernandez25670/kokodachallenge-gold-coast-48km-school-2024?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR18glMVqRVV0pFII7L3PN-nw5ZzCR9BCEuYKOEtQh0gjJSW7Gc5ctPToAA_aem_AWfxnofB_cuM0lsq0QYhxm3xlGeO01kNzHD32tS2GTwnaab51-EZGPeqBSyiT62LYwYCeDw74ZxIYXR8hHzezCii .

Welcoming Xavier Hernandez to the Brisbane Indian Times Family d

He might only be 14 years old, however, he doesn’t let his age or busy schedule stop him for taking on new challenges. He co-ordinating monthly Indian Times community surveys. These surveys will help the Indian Times team report on articles that are important to you.
Please make time to complete his survey by going to this link : https://us17.list-manage.com/survey?u=e2a27a9d91a2076e4df41b4e0&id=416e73cf10&e=*|UNIQID|* or scanning the barcode.

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