Ipswich Ramayan Mandali 35 year journey

Ipswich Ramayan Mandali 35 year journey

Ipswich Ramayan Mandali is a result of Pt Suresh Ji’s parents and family tradition (purwaj) in retaining of our Indian culture, religion, and language. The mandali’s foundation was laid in 1987 in East Ipswich hence the name Ipswich Ramayan Mandali. The mandali with Ramayan recitals and hindi language classes started as a family venture. With the increase of Fiji Indian migrants in the 90’s the mandali participants grew in number. Annual Ram Naumi , Krishna Janamastami and Deepawali celebrations were celebrated at house to house. Later, Hindi classes were organised in Gailes/Goodna area and for a number of years the annual Ram Naumi and Krishna Janamastami programmes were held at Salik Ram’s place.
Over the years, the mandali has provided encouragement, training and other development opportunities to its members especially the younger ones. Our youth and adults have represented us well in various activities. Apart from its regular cultural and religious activities, we have always rose to the occasion to assist people in need be it for medical, death or any other unforeseen calamities. Our mandali is also a major donor to the Queensland Sanatan Hall project. We believe in sewa and are united in our endeavours to keep promoting our Sanatan values through our mandali activities. To commemorate our 35-year journey, the mandali recently had a new uniform unveiled.

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