Former Brisbane resident leads the War against drug
in Fiji since 2018

Ms Kalesi Volatabu is the Founder of Volatabu Group – Drug Free World – Fiji. She has paternal links to Tailevu & Lau and maternal links to Kadavu & Ra, and she was born in Fiji, before she left for Australia in 1987 and has she lived in Australia for over 30 years.
In the last 20+ years she worked in various states in Australia as a public servant across the judicial system; in Correctional, Police, and the Attorney Generals Departments.
Her most recent work in Australia was the Executive Director at a Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation and Education Centre for 12 months, before returning to Fiji in 2018 to help her people, especially in education against the ruthless varied adverse effect drugs to individual ,family ,society and beloved country as a whole.
Her arrival in 2018 was timely in spearheading Drug Awareness Campaigns across the nation, from the Urban to Rural and Maritime areas in Fiji…and, extending her assistance and support to Tonga, Samoa and other Pacific Island nations.
Present day unprecedented surge of drug use and abuse according to Fiji Police.
Six hundred and forty-one (641) drug related offences have been recorded during the first four months of 2024.
The month of February recorded the highest number of cases with189, followed by January with 169, March 160 and 123 for the month of April.
The Acting Commissioner of Police Juki Fong Chew said of the 641 cases, 505 were associated with marijuana while 136 were for methamphetamine, cocaine and heroin.
The prevalent drug offences were for Unlawful Possession of Illicit Drugs recording 594 cases during the four-month reporting period, 44 for Unlawful cultivation of illicit drugs, 2 cases of Unlawful importation and exportation and 1 case of unlawful transfer and supply of illicit drugs.
The Acting Commissioner said concerted efforts on the war on drugs is reflected in the number of cases recorded in all five policing districts.
“The Western Division recorded 271 cases, 151 in the North, 128 in the Southern Division, 58 in the Eastern Division and 33 in the Central Division”.
“We are sharing more detailed statistics so that people are aware of what is happening in their communities and assist law enforcement with the sharing of information”.
In the Southern Division, Lami, Valelevu, Nasinu, Nabua, Samabula, Raiwaqa, Navua and Kadavu recorded cases.
In the Western Division, Lautoka, Nadi, Namaka, Sigatoka, Ba, Vatukoula, Rakiraki, Nalawa, Sabeto, Tavua, Keiyasi and border recorded cases.
In the Eastern Division, cases were reported in Nausori, Nakasi, Korovou, Levuka and Vunidawa.
In the Northern Division, cases were recorded in Savusavu, Labasa, Tukavesi, Taveuni, Nabouwalu, Seaqaqa, while in the Central Division cases were mostly in the greater Suva area.
The Acting Commissioner said the cases are also reflective of policing efforts in detecting the cases and charging those involved.
He adds of concern are repeat offenders, and through community policing efforts Police are working with stakeholders to break the vicious cycle.
The Acting Commissioner is calling for more collaboration to address the growing number of young people involved.
“During the four-month reporting period, 14 of those charged were juveniles, 397 aged between 18 to 35 years, a concerning figure, noting that these are considered to be our future leaders”.
The Acting Commissioner reaffirmed the organization’s commitment in the war on drugs.
“We do not shy away from the fact that perception wise, our efforts are being compromised by the involvement of police officers, and I want to reaffirm our commitment to changing that negative perception for the sake of gaining the trust and support of our communities”.
“It’s not too late as some are labelling current efforts made in curbing the illicit trade. There is strength in numbers, hence our request for community and stakeholder support. Together we can achieve a great deal in protecting our children and our beloved Fiji from the devastating impacts of illicit drugs”, the Acting Commissioner said.
Please support the DRUG FREE FIJI campaign by our former Brisbane resident.
They work is self-funded at present, please support our efforts by donating any amount to help us, help our beloved country:
Or talk to Kalisi:
Kalesi T Volatabu
Drug Free World Fiji
Ph: +679 907 4068 (Viber/ WhatsApp)